RRH Newsletter Summer 2023


Kia Barnett RN from our Emergency Department

Natalie Goeas RN, Med/Surg

Jacqueline Espindola RN from our Emergency Department

Lucy Griffith RN from Maternal Child

WATER SAFETY REMINDERS With the weather heating up, it’s the season for swimming and water play! People need to remember that water can be deadly, so staying safe and using caution are important.

Swimming pools are intriguing for children, and they can easily and quickly become immersed, which is why fencing around pools is important. Never leave children unattended near a swimming pool. Also, assign a person to be the water watcher when people are swimming. Open water like rivers, lakes and the ocean pose danger with strong currents, cold temperatures and rocks or trees in the water. Even strong swimmers can be quickly overcome, so wear a life vest, only wade in water below knee level and don’t climb by the edge of open water. Everyone can enjoy the summer with water play and sports while staying safe!


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