RRH Newsletter Summer 2023


TERA MOOREHEAD RRH Foundation Director

The start of 2023 has already been filled with many amazing events and celebrations. The RRH Foundation and Women in Philanthropy were excited to bring back the annual Women’s Health Expo on February 11. It was an elegant event focused on women’s health, and everyone left feeling encouraged, motivated and more connected. It’s wonderful to see women come alongside one another to help support each other in their well-being – an area I am very passionate about. It encompasses so many areas of our life, and gratitude is also a large part of our well-being. In fact, the RRH Foundation’s guiding principle for all its philanthropic efforts is “Gratitude Changes Everything.” I truly feel grateful to live in a community that sees the importance of giving back to each other and helping out when others are in need. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of all the Foundation events in order to help make our hospital and community even stronger! Another wonderful annual event – the 13th Annual Butterfly Release – was held on May 20, with the community coming out to remember their loved ones. The butterfly release has always been one of my favorite events because it truly is a unique and special time to come together as a community, as family and as friends to lift one another up and to celebrate the amazing people who have touched our lives. Many people, including myself, look forward to this event each year to pause and take the time to remember and honor our loved ones. Speaking of celebrating those in our lives, the RRH Foundation was so excited to celebrate Jessica Lowry, the first Fred Hawkins

Memorial EMT Scholarship recipient. Jessica passed her National Registry Exam, and we are so proud of her. The Foundation also awarded the second Fred Hawkins Memorial EMT Scholarship to Casyn Battleson, and we know she will do great things. The memorial scholarships are in honor of all the work Fred Hawkins did in support of EMT programs across our city, county, state, and beyond. One of the challenges facing EMTs today is recruitment and retention of EMT practitioners. In an effort to address this challenge, the Foundation began offering scholarship opportunities to individuals interested in pursuing a career in EMT in our community. The next scholarship application deadline is September 8. Anyone interested in applying can go to rrh.org/rrh-foundation/hawkins- memorial-emt-scholarship/ or scan the QR code below. Thank you again to each of you who have participated and contributed in one way or another to help the RRH Foundation continue to make a difference in our community.


our first Fred Hawkins Memorial EMT Scholarship recipient. Jessica passed her National Registry Exam, and we are so happy for her. The RRH Foundation and its board of directors presented the second Fred Hawkins Memorial EMT Scholarship to Casyn Battleson. Casyn is currently serving with the U.S. Navy as a medical

corpsman and is stationed at China Lake. She intends to continue her studies in the medical field to ultimately pursue a career as a physician assistant serving with a medical flight team. The RRH Foundation congratulates both recipients and wishes them both a fulfilling future! For more information concerning future scholarship opportunities, please contact the Foundation at (760) 499-3825.


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